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Leadership Week 7 Case study

Leadership Week 7 Case study

Q Read case study 14.2 in Northouse (2016) on pages 386-387 and respond to the following questions. How would you assess the effectiveness of this team? In monitoring this team, at what level and function do you see the most serious problems? Internal task?Internal relational?External? Would you take action to improve team functioning? If so, how would you intervene? Why? What specific leadership skill or skills would you use to improve team functioning? Reference: Northouse (2016) Leadership theory and practice (7th ed) Thousand Oak

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In my point of assessment of the team, I would call the team effectiveness as tolerable for everyone in the team has the ability to agree on the things that they personally do not agree upon. Though this team of six has been doing a good job yet they are having the problem to coordinate with one another. The main point that they lack is a good and well-equipped team communication and also the performance of the team members.